mardi 3 juillet 2012

Washington presented a draft resolution to the Human Rights Council condemned "flagrant violations" in Syria

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???? ?????? ?? ???The report condemned what he considered to be "flagrant violations"

The United States Tuesday presented a draft resolution to the UN Human Rights Council condemned "flagrant violations" of human rights in Syria.

Washington expressed in the draft resolution deplored "alarming" consequences that can result from not implementing UN Envoy Kofi Annan.

The draft resolution also called for an international investigation into events occurring in Syria.

It is expected to vote on the draft resolution Friday, the last day of the summer session of the Council.

The draft resolution commends the results of the Geneva meeting last Saturday, which set the principles of transition in Syria include the formation of the Government has Ministers of the current Government and opposition alike.

The draft resolution condemned the "flagrant violations and widespread and systematic violations of human rights in Syria".

The members of the Human Rights Council's 47 States demanded by an independent international investigation into Syria.

And commissioned an independent international Commission in August to investigate such violations, but he was not allowed to go to Syria.

"Torture policy"

?????Detention centres in Homs by former detainees

On a related level, accused the Organization of human rights (Human Rights Watch) the Syrian Government to exercise "the policy of torture on a large scale".

It said, in a report, it met with more than 200 former detainee, and managed to fix 27 detention centre, at least, via Syria.

Report elaborated on ways of torture, disappearances and arbitrary arrests.

The report says that its system amount to crimes against humanity. "

The organization wants to represent the Syrian authorities before the International Criminal Court, but correspondents say that any such move will prevent her Russia.

British Foreign Secretary William Hague, "be taken altkorirali it clear warning".

Haig said "those responsible for systematic human rights violations and large-scale should not deceive themselves, we and our partners, we will do what must be done to ensure their appearance before justice."

The report is based is entitled "islands of torture"-certificates more than 200 prisoners, including women and children, describing the cases of ill-treatment and torture of detainees since March of 2011.

The human rights organization said that all those interviewed spoke about the situation of overcrowding in detention facilities, and lack of food, while others said that they were forced either to sign, and either put their mark on confessions admitting that they took part in protests against the Government.

View the original article here

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