mardi 3 juillet 2012

Al-Qaeda killed 5 in us Yemen RAID

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The Yemeni army has launched a campaign to flush out Al-Qaida militants from a number of cities in the province of Abyan

In Yemen, security sources said that a US drone carried out a RAID on a convoy of cars, suspected to be Al-Qaida militants, killing five of them in Central Yemen.

"Car was on its way between bayhan weasilan in Shabwa, the car was completely destroyed."

The RAID comes at a time when the Yemeni Defense Ministry said Tuesday that "the security forces have arrested 14 Al-Qaeda militants, including nine foreigners who were plotting to launch attacks".

"The militants were planning to target the leaders of the military and civilian leaders as well as to foreign interests, and that they were working in the three cells were larger, including battling the army in the South of the country, where hard-liners dominate land there until recently."

The Ministry did not give any details about the timing or location of the arrests but said that among the hardcore four Egyptians, Jordanians and Somalis and Tunisians and men from Dagestan, Northern Caucasus, Russian Federation.

Last month Government forces expelled Islamic guerrillas of several towns they control in the South of the country, as it further attack supported by the United States, which hopes to eliminate the Ansar Islamic law emanating from the base.

Sharia supporters group took advantage of instability in the Arabian Peninsula to gain a foothold in the country located along the border with Saudi Arabia's largest oil exporter in the world.

Save hundreds of hardcore since their expulsion from the show. Supporters of Sharia law condemns allegiance to Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which u.s. officials described as the most dangerous section in the global network

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