vendredi 6 juillet 2012

Scientists: discovering the particle is compatible with significant "Higgs boson" believed to be the core of the material universe

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Article has solved a mystery great detected regarding the conditions of cosmogony

Scientists in the largest research centers in the world to discover new particle believed to be grave close to the rule known as the "Higgs boson" believed to be the real core of all materials acquired the universe its mass.

Said Rolf hiwar Director European Centre for nuclear research in Switzerland "we discover cornerstone lost in physical materials.

Hiwar that the article was discovered a substance "boson" but noted it's not a "Higgs boson", adding "our discovery, we noted that serious new particle Higgs boson coherent with."

Said John womrsli, Executive Director of the British Council of science and technology at a Conference in London: "I can confirm that the detected particle corresponds to the theoretical Higgs boson."

Said Joe ankandila, a spokesman for one of the two teams were conducting research on molecules in the laboratory before attending Higgs European Molecular Physics near Geneva this preliminary finding, but we believe it's very powerful and very coherent

The Scottish physicist Peter Higgs, "predicted" in 1964, Higgs boson a particle "believed" that the basic material in the universe had been estranged at the big bang.

According to scientists, the force of gravity is first separated from "boson" and is followed by the rest of the forces.

The researchers noted that this new discovery would explain the origin of mass, which could rewrite many equations and theories on the science of weights and most blocks.

The announcement came at a press conference in the Swiss capital Geneva, after reports from scientists to discover new reached at the European Organization for nuclear research.

The Higgs boson molecule “ most missing link in a series of hypotheses that are reshaping the understanding of the universe more than 13 billion a year, say scientists.

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