dimanche 8 juillet 2012

Egypt: ElBaradei name pop up roof stock predictions for the Office of Government

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???????? ????A tribute to the BBC coverage of the Tunisian revolution.

He said the Board of Trustees of the BBC that BBC coverage of Arab spring was neutral but could be more comprehensive.

The Council said that the BBC must do more to explain how learned from credible news content obtained from its listeners and viewers and surfers, such as photo material on mobile phones from pedestrians or activists.

The Board of Trustees, praised the "courageous journalists and technicians on the ground which enabled them to deliver news on the air."

The Commission's report described the overall BBC coverage of Arab spring as "extraordinary".

But the report also said that it was possible to follow some news in some States extensively more and could listen to different voices in opposition and to feedback from a broader range of States.

Performance review was chaired by the BBC's Arab spring Edward Mortimer, a Middle East expert and former Director of communications at the United Nations.

???????? ?? ???The report talks about the declining coverage of the Egyptian after Mubarak.

Mortimer praised the BBC coverage of the protests, which lasted 18 days in Egypt that led to the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, and to maintain the existence of the BBC on both sides of the conflict in Libya, and cover the uprising in Tunisia.

But was the low coverage of the BBC to Egypt after Mubarak and delayed coverage of human rights violations by the rebel forces in Libya.

Mortimer also questioned the lack of coverage issue Saudi and the absence of a clear policy regarding the use of the word "system" to describe Governments that faced uprisings.

Mortimer wrote in the report that impressed in particular by "professional attention BBC to ascertain the public's news content", but said that public access to the BBC to fully ascertain than materials.

The report said that greater efforts must be made to draw the attention of viewers and listeners to the BBC website on the Internet.

???????? ?? ?????Cover of count violations in Libya, kadhafi was delayed.

The report said the site "offers a great deal of information and backgrounds on the news but some 97 percent of the news articles in the BBC did not refer to the website for more information.

The BBC said it had asked the preparation of the report not to sense that their coverage of Arab spring was incomplete, but the events of Arab spring "the importance and complexity of the fast-moving events coverage usually are covered on the ground."

The BBC said she was happy that the report commended coverage in General and the appreciation of journalistic work "exceptional" and "Supernova".

View the original article here

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