dimanche 8 juillet 2012

British Defense Minister announces cancellation of 17 military units in order to reduce expenditures

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British Defence Secretary Philip Hammond abolition of 17 basic unit in the army, leading to the loss of about 20,000 jobs by 2020.

Under the current plan, the army reduced the number of troops will drop from 102,000 in 2010 to 82,000 by 2020., which means that it will be half of what it was during the cold war when housed 163000 in 1978.

Hammond told the Commons that "infantry will lose 5 battalions in combat units, but it will be stronger and better equipped combat effectiveness."

The Defense Minister said that Britain will maintain effective military force and well equipped but rely heavily on reserve soldiers and officers and cooperation with allies and civic contractors.

Says BBC anchors, Jonathan Bell, the strategic thinking of the army of 2020 driven by one of the rising stars in the army General nklos Carter, but this review is driven by the idea of reducing expenditure.

Says the BBC that the army will be divided into two "reaction force" which has highly trained soldiers trained and ready to be deployed quickly, "Adaptive forces which includes ordinary soldiers and others retained.

This forces the tasks the honorific and traditional obligations as a protection of the Falklands for example with "ISAF" could send small forces to do training and consultancy missions and peacekeeping in different parts of the world.

And the Lord said, who was condemned as Commander of the army in the period 2006-2009, the BBC said the retrenchment was disappointing for the army.

He said at least 11,000 people who expect to spend their careers in the army would move into civilian life and that those in need of assistance and facilities necessary for this transition and the skills they learned in the military must be recognized.

Professor Michael Clarke, Director of the Royal United Services Institute, said the new army would be able to go to certain places of high level function faster but for long periods will not be easy unless the Government was willing to spend more money.

"They are trying to build an army capable of rapid expansion and shrinking fast.

Says member of Parliament, Bob Stewart, a former Colonel in the army, he upset for this action, he was not in favour of this decline in spending is believed to reduce the army to 8200 turning the census to the army is too small.

Stewart adds: "the correct procedure is to have us more armed forces but our problem is how to finance these forces and we prepare her with sophisticated weapons."

View the original article here

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